Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Women in the Second Industrial Revolution

Women in the Second Industrial Revolution The Second Industrial Revolution had a major impact on womens lives. After being controlled fro so long women were experiencing what it was like to live an independent life. In the late nineteenth century women were participating in a variety of experiences, such as social disabilities confronted by all women, new employment patterns, and working class poverty and prostitution. These experiences will show how women were perceived in the Second Industrial Revolution. Women were confronted by many social obligation in the late nineteenth century. Women were living lives that reflected their social rank. They were expected to be economically dependent and legally inferior. No†¦show more content†¦Also, women generally socialized with one another, it was unheard of for a woman and a man to socialize unless her husband was with her. The nineteenth century brought about a change in womens education. Common schools were established in the 1820s, which started to close the educational gap between men and women. Eventually, women were able to take over teaching jobs because it dealt with child nurturing, which was considered to be a female job. On woman who made a difference in womens rights during the nineteenth century was Susan B. Anthony. In 1872, she felt that women perceived the government as having no just powers. The Second Industrial Revolution saw an expansion in the variety of jobs available to women. There was a movement that consisted of women getting jobs as office clerks and administrative positions while the law still saw them as inferior to their husdands and fathers. The League of German Womens Associations, was a group of German women that gave support to all the women in their new careers. The wartime jobs produced lasting careers and life-style changes for women. Some of the jobs they did were telephone operators, factory workers, seamstresses, and physicians. Most of the women that were hired for these jobs were young and unmarried because they had fewer obligations to attend. This meant, they could work long hours with little pay since they did not have a family to provide for. It wasShow MoreRelatedWomen And Their Roles During The Second Industrial Revolution3502 Words   |  15 PagesWomen and Their Roles in the Second Industrial Revolution When discussing history, it is often assumed that the history of men is also the history of women. Historians often forget that women constantly experience historical processes differently because of the roles that they play and their biological differences. The second Industrial Revolution affected women uniquely, and their involvement and contributions were distinctive as well. 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